Every other year the City of Goleta establishes a two-year budget. This Spring the City Council and staff have been working diligently to create a budget package that represents the values and priorities outlined in the City’s strategic plan. The priorities for this budget include balancing the budget while still keeping Goleta safe, protecting our natural resources, and providing opportunities for housing, recreation and business.
Unfortunately, the weak state of the economy has significantly impacted the City’s budget. At the highest point, the City’s revenues were $16.5 million. In 2010, revenues had decreased to $13.3 million. The City will see these additional funds in 2013 as the terms of the revenue neutrality agreement with the County change and become more favorable to the City’s bottom line
The community has the opportunity to weigh in on the budget discussions. The Council will hold budget workshops in May (check www.CityofGoleta.org for exact dates and times). The final budget will be presented and voted upon in June so that it is ready to be enacted when the new fiscal year begins in July 2011.