Public Works Works for You

Major Projects

The Los Carneros Overhead Bridge Replacement Project is moving along on schedule and while it’s hard to tell from the overcrossing, a great deal of work has taken place underneath.  The project is expected to take another 12 months.

The Caltrans Las Vegas/San Pedro Creek Culvert Replacement project is ahead of schedule and the northbound Fairview on ramp closed a little earlier than planned.  Caltrans expects it will be closed from 6-9 months while they make these needed improvements.  Caltrans will be doing pile driving near Calle Real and Carlo starting on July 21.  This will take two weeks between the hours of 8 a.m. and 5 p.m.  Questions can be directed to Caltrans Public Information Officer Jim Shivers at 805-549-3237 or Caltrans Resident Engineer Michael Mortensen at 805-692-6759.

Sidewalk and Road Repairs

It’s that time of year when the City repairs sidewalks and maintains City roads with paving and slurry seal.  The City Council has made a large financial commitment to keeping our roadways in good condition.  While the closures and detours may cause a minor inconvenience, it makes for a better community in the end.  Thanks for your patience while we complete this work.

Sidewalk Construction


The City of Goleta will be receiving a $203,415 grant from the California Strategic Growth Council for a Bicycle/Pedestrian Master Plan project. The California Strategic Growth Council (SGC) announced $40.2 million in local assistance grants that will lead to more sustainable communities across California. A total of 73 individual awards will go to cities, counties, regional and local agencies, and nonprofit partners. All awards are funded through voter-approved Proposition 84 bond allocations.

The City successfully demonstrated to the California Strategic Growth Council (SGC) how the Bicycle/Pedestrian Master Plan (BPMP) will promote climate action plans, and will support infill development plans, sustainable community strategies, and other planning efforts, all specifically aimed at reducing greenhouse gas emissions consistent with state climate goals.   Kudos to James Winslow, Senior Project Manager, for his successful grant application.

Public Works Week

Goleta celebrated Public Works Week in May along with many other communities in the nation.  See the attached gallery for some of the fun we had with our residents.

More Awards

The City of Goleta was pleased to receive awards for the San Jose Creek Project and the Los Carneros Roundabout.  The San Jose Creek Project, the completion of which was celebrated in April, won an award for Environmental Project of the Year from the American Public Works Association (APWA)Central Coast Chapter.

The Los Carneros Roundabout, the 2013 AWPA Project of the Year Award winner, also won an award from Goleta Valley Beautiful.  They said, “Making a circle in one’s car is a visual treat with many flowering plants, graceful trees and the colorful decomposed granite center island sprinkled with drought tolerant shrubs.  This project provides a truly impressive gateway to the Goleta Depot and Rancho La Patera and Stow House.”  We agree!

Project Award Rosemarie







Ellwood Mesa Restoration

Ellwood Mesa Restoration Project Deemed a Success

The City of Goleta is proud to have a new, beautifully restored landscape on Ellwood Mesa. The on-going effort and care of our environment from many in our community, has achieved the replenishment of native grassland for a beautiful and enjoyable open space for Goleta residents, visitors and animal life.

For the last five years, volunteers have worked in conjunction with the City to restore the native grassland on the east side of Goleta’s Ellwood Mesa. Now that the five-year maintenance mark has been reached, the restoration program (which was part of the land exchange and purchase of Ellwood Mesa) has been determined a success by the Coastal Commission!

The benchmarks for success of the project were identified in the permit conditions of approval. Those benchmarks were:

• A progressive restoration plan
• Commitment towards ensuring that the plan was implemented
• The continued community support in helping with volunteer weeding days

The consistent work of City of Goleta and Coastal Commission was instrumental in the achievement of these goals.

The nature of the restoration was difficult due to the use of prolific weed seed that competes with the native grassland. After much perseverance, the restoration was precisely completed and is now difficult to discern from the surrounding native grassland. The site is now a wonderful piece of land that benefits the environment, the community and the wildlife that reside there.






Affordable Housing Lottery at the Hideaway

The City of Goleta is looking forward to having ten more affordable housing units available for purchase!

The Hideaway at 7900 Hollister Avenue will have ten income-restricted condominiums available for purchase through a lottery application process. The units will include:

• Five (5) studio units for moderate income households at an estimated maximum sales price of $213,429
• Three (3) one-bedroom units for above-moderate income households at an estimated maximum sales price of $458,870
• And two (2) two-bedroom units for above-moderate income households and will have an estimated maximum sales price of $517,395.

Income and resale restrictions will apply, and the final sales prices for the income-restricted units will  be based on the actual purchaser’s gross household income and size as well as interest rates at the time of sale.

How Do You Apply?

Lottery applications are being accepted through the Housing Authority of the County of Santa Barbara in accordance with the City of Goleta. Information and lottery applications can be obtained at the Housing Authority of the County of Santa Barbara Office, located at 5575 Armitos Avenue in Goleta between 7:30 a.m. – 11:30 a.m. and 12:15 p.m. – 4:30 p.m. Monday through Thursday.  For more information, please contact Victor Honma at the Housing Authority of Santa Barbara County at 967-3402.

The deadline to submit applications for the lottery is 4:30 p.m. (PST) on Wednesday, July 16, 2014. No exceptions.

Making Goleta Safer Through DUI Checkpoints

By Sergeant Bill Hennebry

The City of Goleta places great emphasis on enhancing the safety of all people in our community. One way our traffic safety unit does this is by conducting traffic safety checkpoints. These checkpoints are conducted to ensure motorists are complying with motor vehicle laws (including driving under the influence statutes).

Why Checkpoints?

The City of Goleta utilizes traffic safety checkpoints to promote safety for motorists using the public roadways and to provide a deterrent for those who violate laws contained in the California Vehicle Code. The intent of a traffic safety checkpoint is to provide a high-visibility, public safety service that is focused on drivers having a valid license and not driving under the influence.

Traffic safety checkpoints allow the City an opportunity to periodically concentrate its efforts in checking for violations of California traffic and regulatory laws and ultimately increasing the safety of our citizens.

What To Do at a Checkpoint?

Drivers encountering a traffic safety checkpoint are requested to have their operator’s license readily accessible. Drivers with this information in-hand, no violations of law and minimal roadway congestion can expect to be delayed for no more than 30 seconds to one minute of their time.

Latest Goleta Checkpoint Findings

The most recent Goleta traffic safety checkpoint conducted in June contacted over 1,300 drivers and found no drivers under the influence of alcohol or other drugs. This was significant due to the fact that it was graduation weekend and those who had gone out to dinner to celebrate with their families had appointed designated drivers. Four drivers were found with no valid California license and three were driving on a suspended license. All were appropriately handled within the vehicle code.

Additional traffic safety checkpoints will be conducted throughout the year. The City of Goleta wishes to thank citizens and students in our community for this most recent positive outcome.

Keep up the responsible driving, Goleta!

Goleta Hosts First-Ever Spanish Train-the-Trainer Course in the Nation

The City of Goleta hosted the first Spanish CERT (Community Emergency Response Team) train-the trainer session this summer. This was the first-ever Spanish CERT train-the-trainer in California and the first in the nation. After the three-day training, 38 participants received Spanish CERT instructor certification. 

Having more available instructors will allow for more Spanish CERT classes to be taught countywide. We now have a larger pool of instructors that can teach Spanish CERT in Goleta. As a result, more City residents will:

• Become knowledgeable on the risks facing the community
• Learn how to provide basic first aid and medical triage
• Practice how to put out small fires
• Learn how to conduct light search and rescue
• And understand team organization techniques

The availability of a higher number of CERT volunteers will increase community safety by having more of the population prepared for times of emergency and disaster.

If you would like to learn more about Goleta CERT, please contact Luz Reyes-Martin at . To register for updates on our CERT program, visit:

From Restrictions to Expansions: Tobacco Use Changes Underway

The City Council recently passed two ordinances which will “clear the air” for people in Goleta.

The Tobacco Retailer Ordinance helps to prevent tobacco products, including e-cigarettes from being easily accessible to minors. This law requires local tobacco retailers to obtain a license annually and provides for sanctions if violations of sales to minors occur during undercover inspections. This ordinance also prevents any new tobacco retailer from setting up shop within 1,000 feet of a school.  Existing tobacco retailers near schools may continue to do business as usual.

The Secondhand Smoke Ordinance expands areas where tobacco use is prohibited, thus increasing protection from exposure to secondhand smoke for Goleta residents and visitors. California law bans smoking in almost all enclosed places of employment, and also restricts smoking within 20 feet of government buildings. The Goleta law augments state law by regulating tobacco use in some outdoor areas. The ordinance outlaws smoking from a 20 foot perimeter around all places of employment and prohibits tobacco use in public places and recreational areas. State law only regulates smoking and the Goleta law includes all tobacco products, including electronic cigarettes.

For the purpose of the secondhand smoke ordinance, a “public place” is defined as a place where the public generally is invited. The ordinance identifies a list of specific public places, including: restaurants, restaurant-bar combinations, bars, retail stores, buses, service lines, polling places, common areas in apartments, condos, and mobile home parks, and areas that share the same ventilation system or common walls. Goleta’s new law is consistent with those governing tobacco use in other South County communities.

This ordinance also prohibits smoking in recreational areas, which includes any outdoor area owned or operated by the City open to the general public for recreational purposes. These include parklands, portions of parks such as picnic areas, playgrounds, sports fields, walking paths, gardens, hiking trails, bike paths, horseback riding trails, athletic fields, and beaches.

The ordinance also provides a specific list of areas where smoking may be permitted.  Please contact our Code Enforcement Officer, Greg Nordyke, at or 805-961-7556 with any questions.

Dam Dinner 2013

Goleta’s Dam Dinner is Back!

Goleta’s Dam Dinner continues as an annual tradition! The second annual dinner will take place Saturday, August 23rd from 5-7 p.m. at the Lake Los Carneros Dam. This is a special time for the community to gather and enjoy a meal together. There will be musical entertainment again this year and fun activities for kids. Attendees are encouraged to bring a dessert to share and can bring their dinner or purchase dinner from the on-site food truck.

The idea to have a community dinner came from a Love of Goleta event. After the initial inspiration, a committee of people who love Goleta gathered to plan this free event at the dam. Last year’s response was amazing, and we already have over 300 reservations for this year!

Come out and join in on this special time and share some good food, conversation, and love of Goleta.

Visit to make your reservations. #OhDam

Citizen Q&A: What’s Happening to Our Trees at Stow Grove Park?

A community member recently asked what was happening with the redwoods at Stow Grove Park. We thought this might be information others in our community would be interested in as well…

When some of the redwoods at Stow Grove Park were showing signs of distress, City staff contacted the City’s contract arborist to complete a thorough analysis. He conducted soil testing and provided subsequent recommendations which included the removal of ten unsalvageable trees.

Since the redwoods are growing out of their native habitat, and we are in a significant drought, the trees are not getting the necessary water. If they were in their native habitat in Oregon or Northern California, the trees would be obtaining more moisture from the air. In order to mimic those conditions, the City is now spraying water up into the trees. The irrigation system has also been modified to improve water distribution.

Special fertilizer has been applied to the root structures, and the City will continue that semi-annually.  Additional tree pruning and the application of mulch should also help with the health of this forest. Trust that the City is doing everything it can to maintain this treasured resource.




Get to Know Your City – Government & Elections

Did you know Goleta has a Council-Manager form of government? This means the Council is responsible for policy direction, and the City Manager is responsible for the implementation of this policy by guiding the operations of the City. The City Manager essentially acts as the Chief Executive Officer and provides leadership and direction to City departments in the administration of their operations. The Goleta City Council serves as a legislative body and consists of five council members, one of whom is chosen to serve as mayor for a one-year term.

Michelle Greene, Goleta’s Interim City Manager, was appointed by the City Council. She will serve in this role while the recruitment process is underway for a City Manager.

The City Council recently had the opportunity to fill a vacancy left by Councilmember Ed Easton when he moved out of the City. As the newly-appointed Councilmember, Tony Vallejo will complete the remaining 2½ years of Easton’s term and have the opportunity to appoint a Planning Commissioner. Applications for this position are now being accepted and are due Thursday, July 3rd by 5:00 p.m. The application can be found on the City’s website at

In addition, there will be a regular election in November for three Council seats. These positions serve four years and each Councilmember has the opportunity to also appoint a Planning Commissioner. The filing period for those interested in running for City Council is July 14th through August 8th. In the event that one of the incumbents has not filed by August 8th, the nomination period will be extended to August 13th.

For more information, please contact the City Clerk’s office at 805-961-7505 or

Thriving in Transition: 2014 Goleta State of the City Now Available Online

The 2014 State of the City theme was Thriving in Transition.  Mayor Michael T. Bennett gave a general overview before Planning and Environmental Review Director Jennifer Carman and Interim Public Works Director Rosemarie Gaglione did an overview of the planning and public works projects planned and in progress in Goleta.  The event wrapped up with a short video on the Goleta Entrepreneurial Magnet.

The video of the 2014 Goleta State of the City event is now available here.

It will also be aired on channel 19/104.19 on Mondays, Thursdays and Fridays at noon and 7 p.m. until further notice.