Understanding Goleta’s General Plan

The General Plan is an often referred to, yet frequently misunderstood, document. It is a hierarchy of land use planning regulations. Every city, regardless of its size or location, has a General Plan which guides future physical changes and public decision making within a community. It serves as a set of rules for a community to make decisions and balance competing interests. City departments use the Plan as a guide in setting work programs and when applying for grants to fund specific projects.

Eighteen distinguishing qualities and characteristics about Goleta are identified in our General Plan. These include statements on the value of open space and ecological resources, scenic vistas, small-town atmosphere, healthy business climate, active recreation and many more!

Goleta’s Plan strives to create a coherent vision for the City’s future and builds upon the individual and sometimes conflicting visions of a diverse population. This overall community vision forms the foundation for the plan’s goals, objectives and policies.

The City’s first General Plan was adopted in 2006 after years of research and public input. It guides all future growth, including the supporting public facilities, and governs the regulation of land use and development through various codes or ordinances such as the zoning code, building code and design  review ordinances. The General Plan is a living document and is periodically amended to respond to  changing conditions or community values. Accordingly, our General Plan has been amended through the public review process.

How does the General Plan impact me?

A General Plan can be described as a “road map” for decision making in a city. The Goleta General Plan designs our future and how to address growth, housing, environmental protection, neighborhood compatibility and preservation and transportation. It effects you! The General Plan identifies transportation improvements,new park locations, future housing sites and more. For example, a future overcrossing between Calle Real and Hollister is required by our General Plan to improve the quality of our street system. General Plan policy impacts our every day life.

How do I learn more?

The City’s Advance Planning Division provides annual General Plan updates to the Planning Commission and the City Council. The presentations are hosted during regularly scheduled public meetings. The annual report assesses the level of implementation and effectiveness of the General Plan as a guide for orderly growth and development, preservation, conservation of open space land and resources, and the efficient expenditure of public funds.



Be Prepared for Winter Storms

In preparation for the start of the rainy season, the City of Goleta is taking steps to prepare for the wet weather. All year long, the City’s regular bimonthly street sweeping program ensures that debris does not enter the storm drain system and surface pollutants are prevented from reaching the ocean. The City’s public works crew has been hard at work inspecting and clearing culverts and storm drain inlets to ensure they can handle the flow of rainwater.

Winter Weather Tips:

  • Inspect your roof for leaks.  Clean out gutters, downspouts and roof drains.
  • Check public storm drains in your neighborhood and report obstructed drains to the City at 961-7570 or through the City Alert system. (Go to the City’s website to report a problem.)
  • Keep private yard drains clear of debris.
  • Reset automatic irrigation systems for wetter months.
  • If you have experienced flooding in the past or are in an area that floods, keep a supply of filled sandbags
    on-hand to protect your property (available at Fire Stations 11 & 14).

Better to be safe than sorry! Plan ahead.

Sister Witness Tree

The Sister Witness Tree is the largest known California sycamore in the United States. It’s referred to as the “Sister Witness Tree” because of its proximity to the “Witness Tree” located across Hollister Avenue. The Sister Witness Tree measures 52.2’ in circumference, has a 95.5’ canopy and a height of 94’. Goleta Valley Beautiful (GVB) nominated the Sister Witness Tree for the designation of largest California sycamore after rescuing the tree from overgrowth. GVB is a non-profit organization that works in Goleta to insure the beauty
of the Goleta Valley.

Opening of New Calle Real and Los Carneros Roundabout

The community celebrated the opening of the new roundabout at Calle Real and Los Carneros. The City is pleased to report that it was completed on-time and on-budget. Please remember to YIELD to the vehicle or bicycle in the circle. Enter the roundabout only when it is safe to do so. For more information on using a roundabout, visit www.ProjectGoleta.com.

We’re Looking for a Few Good Men and Women

The Council recently established a Parks & Recreation Commission and a Tree Advisory Commission. The City is looking for Goleta residents willing to serve the community on one of these boards.

The Parks and Recreation Commission will be comprised of seven members serving four-year terms. One of the seven members will be a student member (15 years or older) who will serve a one-year term. Six meetings will be held annually and members will receive compensation of $50/meeting. Since Goleta does not currently have any recreational programming, the primary charge of the new Commission will be to develop a Parks and Recreation Strategic Plan and help the Council set goals, policies and priorities for future actions.

The Tree Advisory Commission will be comprised of five volunteers who are appointed by individual council members. Members of the Public Tree Advisory Commission should have an interest in and/or experience in urban forestry or landscaping. Each Commissioner’s term will be equal to that of the Councilmember that nominated the Commissioner. This Commission will advise the Council, City staff and the City Arborist in developing plans and goals for the Goleta Urban Forest, represent the interests of the community, work to resolve conflicts between community members and urban forestry policy and inform the community of the Urban Forestry program. Meetings will be held on an as-needed basis.

For more information on these opportunities to serve, contact Deborah Constantino, City Clerk,at dconstantino@cityofgoleta.org or 961-7505.