Goleta’s General Plan Guides Development Decisions

City Staff and the City Council have heard concerns about the development, public improvements and water use within our community and we wanted to share some additional information.

The City has a created a clear road map for making land use decisions which is contained in the General Plan. Our General Plan designs our ideal future Goleta and how to handle requests for development consistent with that ideal in a way that addresses growth, housing, environmental protection, neighborhood compatibility and preservation and transportation. It identifies transportation improvements, new park locations, future housing sites and more.  (A full article on the General Plan can be found here.)

Goleta developed its first General Plan in 2006 to chart Goleta’s future.  Recognizing the requirements the State puts on each community for housing, the City Council, with a great deal of public outreach and input, identified areas for housing of a variety of densities and sizes.  Areas for recreational and commercial use were planned out as well.

When the recession hit, a number of projects were placed on hold as developers attempted to secure funding.  After the economy started to recover, these projects, as well as a number of others, continued through the process and we are now seeing the result of the backlog.  The City’s capital improvement projects (identified in the General Plan), public improvement projects including those paid for by development and to handle the impacts created by development, Caltrans’ infrastructure projects, and projects underway by the City of Santa Barbara, the County of Santa Barbara and UCSB may make it seem like the Goleta Valley is experiencing too much development all at one time.  But the reality is that projects within the City were planned for and identified nearly ten years ago, but because of the economy these projects were delayed until now rather than being completed at a steady rate over the last ten years.  A handful of General Plan amendments have been made in the last five years, but on balance, these projects were planned for in the City’s infancy.

Access to water is a concern for everyone and the City has confidence that Goleta Water District (GWD) has done its job in analyzing the resources and the future needs of our community and is continuing to monitor and implement all restrictions that are necessary.   The only projects brought forward for City approval are those in which GWD has confirmed that the developers have secured water rights.  And while the water is one component, it is not a deciding factor for Planning Commission and City Council approval.  It’s also important to note that the water needs associated with the growth of the City (and identified in the General Plan) were analyzed as part of the General Plan process.  

The City Council and City Staff are committed to the 18 distinguishing qualities and characteristics about Goleta are identified in our General Plan. These include statements on the value of open space and ecological resources, scenic vistas, small-town atmosphere, healthy business climate, active recreation and many more!  The challenge is to balance these values with a robust economic environment and State requirements for housing.  But that cannot be done by ignoring state mandated housing requirements which are desperately needed by the workforce component of our community.

Your input is greatly appreciated and we trust you’ll continue to be involved in the shaping of Goleta’s future.

For more information on the water supply, the Goleta Water District included a piece in its Winter 2014 newsletter which can be found here.


Fast Charging Station Opens This Week

The City of Goleta just got a little bit more green. Continuing its leadership role in sustainability, Goleta installed a new DC Fast Charging Station to power electric vehicles at the Camino Real Marketplace near the Costco Tire Center. The charging station is set to be unveiled during a ribbon cutting ceremony on Thursday, April 2,and is one of the first of its kind in the Santa Barbara area.

Valued at $35,000, the DC Fast Charging Station was donated by Nissan North America, Inc., and the Santa Barbara County Air Pollution Control District, provided $17,000 in grant funds to the City to install the charger under their EV Charging Infrastructure Program.  The fast charge Level 3 technology allows EV drivers to recharge their cars much more quickly–as little as half an hour versus the 3-8 hours required by Level 2 charging stations.

“This new public charging station provides fast, convenient electrical vehicle charging with the ability to charge a vehicle’s battery to 80% capacity in as little as 30 minutes,” said Cindy Moore, Sustainability Coordinator for the City of Goleta.

The ribbon cutting will recognize the efforts of project partners Camino Real Marketplace, the Santa Barbara County Air Pollution Control District, Nissan North America, Inc., and EV Connect all of which played key roles in making this project a reality.

“We are proud to provide our residents and visitors alike the convenience of charging up in Goleta.  Providing this public charging infrastructure demonstrates the City’s commitment to sustainability and shows that public-private partnerships like this can make a real difference,” said Mayor Paula Perotte.

The initial cost to charge is $.20/kWh paid by users. Payment can be made via credit card for a first time user by calling a number on the unit. Users can download a free app from EV Connect, register, and scan the QR code on the front of the unit with their phone to start the process for payment/charging. There is a 1-hour time limit on charging and parking.

When: Thursday, April 2 at 10:30 a.m.

Where: Camino Real Marketplace (next to the Costco Tire Center) in Goleta, 7095 Market Place Drive, Goleta, CA 93117


Goleta Garners Award for GEM

The City of Goleta will be recognized by the California Association for Local Economic Development (CALED) on April 22 at the 2015 CALED Annual Conference in Riverside, CA, with an Award of Merit in the Economic Development Programs category for its role in the Goleta Entrepreneurial Magnet (GEM).

The Economic Development Partnerships category honors development projects between public and private sector that exemplify the spirit of partnership during 2014. Some examples from previous years include office/retail complex projects and downtown improvement projects.

The Goleta Entrepreneurial Magnet (GEM) is a 501(c)3 non-profit collaboration between the City of Goleta, the Goleta Valley Chamber of Commerce (GVCC) and a world-class research university, the University of California, Santa Barbara (UCSB).  GEM’s mission is to strengthen the local economy by supporting new and growing science and technology entrepreneurs.

The City was recognized with this award for GEM’s potential to impact employment, expansion of local tax base & diversification of the area’s economy as well as its innovation/creativity and ability to be replicated in other communities.

More information about the CALED Awards of Excellence, including a list of this year’s Award Winners, can be found at http://www.caled.org/awards-of-excellence/.


Housing Element Certified by State

The City of Goleta’s newly adopted Housing Element was certified by the State Housing and Community Development for the first time. The State rewards certified housing elements with funding resources. The coveted State certification has many benefits such as access to State funds for future affordable housing projects, special needs housing programs, and related support facilities such as parks.

“We are grateful the State certified our Housing Element and look forward to the benefits having this certification will provide,” said Mayor Paula Perotte.  “We are excited to work with local non-profit housing providers and developers to maximize the certification status of our Housing Element. State grant funding in support of attractive affordable housing projects, parks, and bike paths will enrich our community for years to come.”

Since the adoption of the first General Plan and Housing Element in 2006, the City has attempted to be certified by the State.  The City received a letter on March 2 stating that the City’s Housing Element is in compliance with State law.

Goleta Library

Library Offers Family Place Parent Workshop Series

The Goleta Valley Library hosts a number of children’s programs for the community including the upcoming Family Place Parent / Child Workshop Series to help your toddler learn through books and play for ages 1-3.  This workshop series will take place April 11, 18, 25, May 2, and 9 from 10:15 a.m. to 11:30 a.m. Pre-registration is required by calling (805) 964-7878.

The library is supported by the City of Goleta’s General Fund and through tough economic times the Friends of the Goleta Valley Library have helped raise money to make up the shortfall in recent years. The Goleta Valley Library is an important resource for many in the community and we encourage you to attend their various children, teens, and adult programs throughout the year. Click here for more information on other programs and services of the library.

Traffic Pattern on Calle Real to Change Next Week

Roadwork on the Las Vegas/San Pedro Creeks Drainage Project will require a change in the traffic pattern on Calle Real west of Fairview Avenue beginning Monday, March 9 to relocate a sewer line.  This traffic switch will allow for construction on the San Pedro Creek Bridge scheduled to begin next month.  Drivers, pedestrians, and cyclists are urged to consider alternate routes.  This traffic pattern will be in place through January 2016.

This project will improve the capacity of two large drainage culverts located along Las Vegas Creek and San Pedro Creek at U.S. Highway 101 near Fairview Avenue.  It will also prevent flooding north of Calle Real and will reconstruct the Highway 101 southbound off-ramp at Fairview Avenue. This $17 million project is 50% complete and is expected to be done by the end of 2016.   More information on this project can be found on the Caltrans website.

Temporary Parking Restrictions Implemented for Deltopia

As it did for Halloween, the City is implementing temporary restrictions for on-street parking during Deltopia — the annual spring party planned by students in Isla Vista.  Each household in the affected neighborhoods will be issued two permits for residents to park on the street during Deltopia.  Residents are encouraged to park in their garages or driveways as well.  Only vehicles with valid permits will be able to park on the streets in this area from 9:00 a.m. on Saturday, April 4 through 6 a.m. Sunday, April 5.  (Should Deltopia move to the following weekend, the restrictions will be in place from 9:00 a.m. on Saturday, April 11 through 6 a.m. Sunday, April 12.)  Vehicles without permits will be cited and towed at the owner’s expense.

What area does this program cover? Hollister Avenue to the southern City limit (Whittier Drive), from Cannon Green Drive to Storke Road.Parking Restriction Area

How do I get my permit? Permits will be delivered via U.S. mail before March 30.  If you do not receive yours, please contact our Neighborhood Services Department at 961-7556 to make arrangements for a replacement.

Is there a permit fee? No.

What should I do with the permit once I receive it? Each permit has an address and permit number.  Write in the license plate number of the vehicle you plan to park on the street.  Tape the permit to the inside of the driver’s side window by 9:00 a.m. on Saturday, April 4.

I have more than two vehicles that need to be parked on the street.  Can I obtain another permit? Yes.  Please contact our Neighborhood Services Department at 961-7556 prior to noon on April 3 to make arrangements.

Will access to my neighborhood be restricted? Message boards will be placed at major intersections with entrances to the permit parking area.  Law enforcement officers and tow trucks will be visible during the weekend as these parking restrictions are enforced. However no road access will be restricted.

I have a guest coming into town during this weekend, can they be issued a permit?  No.  This program is for our residents-only.  Your guest can park in your driveway and you can use a permit to park your vehicle on the street.

My child has an activity at Girsh Park over the weekend, where should I park? Over 2750 parking spaces are available in the Girsh parking lots and at Camino Real Marketplace.  Please use one of these spaces to avoid having your vehicle towed on Saturday.

A vehicle is parked on my street without a permit, who should I call? Please call  9-1-1 and the dispatcher will take the information and route it to a deputy for action.

What if the Deltopia event is moved to the following weekend? If it moves, the restrictions will be in place from 9:00 a.m. on Saturday, April 11 through 6 a.m. Sunday, April 12.

For all other questions, Please Contact the CITY’s Neighborhood Services Department at 961-7556.

Stage II Drought Update

Goleta has received only 74% of normal rainfall to date this season, putting the area on track for a fourth year of below average rainfall.  Lake Cachuma water levels continue to drop, with the lake now only at 28% of capacity at the beginning of March, underscoring the extreme drought conditions gripping the region.  The U.S. Drought Monitor recognizes Santa Barbara County as being in “exceptional drought,” their most severe category.

As we head into the drier summer months, conserving water is critical.  Despite the ability to use stored groundwater to meet customer needs, every drop we can save now is a drop we can use in the future as the drought persists.

Goleta Water District customers are among the water thriftiest in the state.  According to State Water Resource Control Board numbers on California water suppliers serving 40,000 or more customers, Goleta Water District residential customers ranked third in the state for the smallest number of gallons used per day.  Given the community’s ongoing commitment to conservation the District has recently added several new incentive and rebate programs to help our residential, commercial, and agricultural customers save even more.

  • The Smart Landscape Rebate Program replaces existing landscaping with waterwise plants and efficient irrigation equipment.  Receive up to $1,000 for single family residential, or $2,000 per meter (up to two meters) for commercial and multifamily.
  • Our Demonstration Gardens featuring waterwise landscaping examples to inspire ideas and demonstrate irrigation efficiency techniques such as mulching, drip irrigation, and rain catchment systems.  Free mulch is available from the County of Santa Barbara at http://www.lessismore.org/Programs/mulch.html
  • The Water Saving Incentive Program allows commercial and agricultural customers to design custom water saving programs that will work for their businesses.  Qualifying programs and customers can receive up to 50% of eligible project costs, or $5,000 per site.
  • Water saving tips and resources are also available on our Facebook and Twitter pages.

The District continues to offer our popular Water Saving Devices  targeting indoor water use. Customers can stop by the District Office at 4699 Hollister Avenue between 8 am and 5pm to pick up low flow a leak detection kit, a low-flow shower head, a hose shut-off nozzle, or a Low-flow bathroom faucet aerator while supplies last.

Also don’t forget Daylight Saving Time starts March 8th, so check your sprinkler timers to comply with current Stage II Water Shortage Emergency restrictions.

Conservation remains the most cost effective tool to get through this difficult drought.  Let’s all save water together!


Special Olympians to Visit Goleta this Summer

The City of Goleta has been officially selected to participate in the Special Olympics World Games Host Town program from July 21 – 24, 2015. Before the Special Olympics World Games begin on July 25, 2015, more than 7,000 athletes from 177 countries will be welcomed to Southern California through the Host Town program. One hundred communities from San Luis Obispo to San Diego will have the honor of being selected as an official Host Town.

“We are thrilled to see so many communities eager to participate in this integral component of the World Games,” said Patrick McClenahan, president and chief executive officer of LA2015, the Games Organizing Committee. “The Host Town program will not only create lasting memories for these athletes and coaches from around the world, but leave a lasting legacy for the communities who are opening their doors, hearts and minds to host these inspiring athletes.”

As a Host Town, the City of Goleta will have the opportunity to provide activities and incorporate the community in welcoming athletes.

“We are excited to be able to participate in the games and meet these inspiring athletes,” said Goleta Mayor Paula Perotte.  “It’s a great opportunity to treat athletes from around the world to our slice of heaven.”

The Host Town program has been an important element of Special Olympics World Games since 1995, and the experience has left a lasting impression on the local communities in Ireland, Japan, China, Greece, South Korea and the United States, all of which have previously organized Host Town programs as part of the Special Olympics World Games.

About the Special Olympics World Games Los Angeles 2015 (LA2015)
With 7,000 athletes and 3,000 coaches representing 177 countries, along with 30,000 volunteers and an anticipated 500,000 spectators, the 2015 Special Olympics World Games – being staged in Los Angeles July 25 – August 2, 2015 – will be the largest sports and humanitarian event anywhere in the world in 2015, and the single biggest event in Los Angeles since the 1984 Olympic Games. The 2015 Special Olympics World Games, with the unparalleled spirit, enthusiasm, teamwork, joy and displays of courage and skill that are hallmarks of all Special Olympics events, will feature 25 Olympic-style sports in venues throughout the Los Angeles region. The Opening Ceremony, to be held July 25, 2015 in the historic Los Angeles Memorial Coliseum, site of the 1932 and 1984 Olympic Games, is expected to attract 80,000 spectators. For more information on the 2015 Special Olympics World Games, including volunteer and sponsorship opportunities, visit www.LA2015.org and on social with #TheWorldisComing on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram.

About Special Olympics
Special Olympics is a global movement that unleashes the human spirit through the transformative power and joy of sports, every day around the world. We empower people with intellectual disabilities to become accepted and valued members of their communities, which leads to a more respectful and inclusive society for all. Using sports as the catalyst and programming around health and education, Special Olympics is fighting inactivity, injustice and intolerance. Founded in 1968 by Eunice Kennedy Shriver, the Special Olympics movement has grown to more than 4.4 million athletes in 170 countries. With the support of more than 1.3 million coaches and volunteers, Special Olympics delivers 32 Olympic-type sports and more than 81,000 games and competitions throughout the year.

Close the Poop Loop

Close the Poop Loop!

Introducing Close the Poop Loop, the Goleta’s new pet waste campaign! Close the Poop Loop is a project created in collaboration with the Cities of Buellton, Carpinteria, Guadalupe, Lompoc, Santa Barbara, Santa Maria, Solvang and the County of Santa Barbara’s Project Clean Water.

As part of the campaign, we’re asking you to pledge to keep our community clean by picking up your dog’s waste and tossing it in the trash. Visit www.closethepooploop.org to take the pledge and you’ll receive a free bone-shaped keychain flashlight as a thank you!

Pet waste presents a serious problem in our City and County. It’s one of the largest sources of water pollution. (Just one gram of dog waste contains millions of bacteria!) Learn more dog poop facts at www.closethepooploop.org.

On the website, we’re also highlighting the “Top Dogs of Santa Barbara County,” whose owners keep our community clean by picking up after their pets and tossing the bag in the trash. To add your pooch, just send us a photo of your four-legged friend to info@closethepooploop.org.

The Close the Poop Loop will run until April 2015. Visit www.closethepooploop.org today to take the pledge and claim your free bon-shaped keychain flashlight while supplies last!