Ellwood Mesa Restoration and Monarch Butterfly Update

There is so much happening now at Ellwood Mesa and the Goleta Butterfly Grove. We are excited to share with you some of our recent progress.

Trails and Erosion Control

Sage Trail Alliance has completed enhancements to the drainage habitat and trails within the main monarch butterfly grove. They removed built up sediment and constructed earth and rock weirs to reduce erosion and create stepped pools of water. These enhancements will increase humidity, provide a water source for monarchs, and support vegetation ladders for them to climb off the ground. Trails to the viewing areas were rerouted to increase accessibility, reduce erosion, and avoid impacts to specific trees.

Sage Trail Alliance working in the drainage below the main butterfly grove, photo by Melissa Fontaine

Monarch Butterfly Science in Action

It was a disappointing year for migrating monarchs throughout California. The Xerces Society’s annual Western Monarch Count shows the migrating western monarch population was very low throughout the entire overwintering range along the coast from northern California to Baja Mexico. Experts believe the population is impacted by increasing heat, wildfire, drought and severe storms in their overwintering and breeding habitats. Many organizations and scientists are working to protect the monarchs and their habitat. As part of these efforts, the City of Goleta installed a Motus station on the Ellwood Mesa to join the scientific community in the groundbreaking capability of remotely tracking movements of individual monarch butterflies.

The Motus Wildlife Tracking System is an international collaborative research network that uses coordinated automated radio telemetry to facilitate research, education, and conservation of migratory animals. With the recent introduction of a radio tag small enough to be attached to a monarch butterfly, this technology can now be used to study their movements. The data collected from tagged monarchs will help us understand the frequency of movement within overwintering sites and between overwintering sites, migration routes, site fidelity and home ranges.

In addition to the Motus antennas, we installed two weather stations, one inside and one outside the main monarch butterfly grove, to monitor environmental conditions that affect monarch butterfly activity at Ellwood Mesa. Each station will monitor temperature, humidity, wind speed/direction, barometric pressure, rainfall, and solar radiation.

Data collected from the Motus tower and the weather stations will inform our conservation efforts and will available to the public. Links will be posted at CityofGoleta.org/Ellwood-now.

Motus Station at Ellwood, photo by Charis van der Heide

BlūMorpho radio tog on a monarch butterfly, photo by Kyle Nessen

Weather Station at Ellwood, photo by Kyle Nessen

Keep informed about all things Ellwood here and the Monarch Butterfly Grove here.


Spring into Action with Beautify Goleta Saturday, March 8

Thank You to Participants of Beautify Goleta’s February Self-Guided Cleanup Month

Looking for a fun way to spend your Saturday morning? Join us for our next Beautify Goleta event THIS Saturday, March 8 in Old Town. Be part of the Volunteer Cleanup and/or get rid of unwanted items with the FREE Bulky Item Drop-Off – details below:

  • Volunteer Cleanup – Join us from 9:00 – 11:00 a.m. as we meet at Community West Bank in Old Town Goleta (5827 Hollister Avenue) to help clean up the surrounding area. Tools and equipment will be provided. Close toe shoes, sunscreen, and hats are recommended. The Spotlight Captains are Community West Bank and the Goleta Rotary Club.

  • FREE Bulky Item Drop-Off – From 9:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m., community members can dispose of large unwanted items at the Goleta Community Center located at 5679 Hollister Avenue. No electronics or hazardous materials will be accepted; No drop-offs before or after the event hours will be accepted. Staff reserve the right to close the event early if capacity is reached before 1:00 p.m.

Drumroll please! Beautify Goleta is pleased to announce the results of our Self-Guided Cleanup Month which took place throughout February. Sixteen volunteers successfully completed 15 cleanups, removing an impressive 425 pounds of trash from Goleta’s streets, parks, beaches, and open spaces. Stay tuned for the winners which will be announced soon on the City’s social media channels (@cityofgoleta)! A huge thank you to everyone who participated in keeping Goleta clean and beautiful!

Helping Beautify Goleta is a great way to make a positive impact in your community. For more details or to sign up, visit www.cityofgoleta.org/BeautifyGoleta or email EnvironmentalServices@cityofgoleta.org

Mark your calendars for upcoming Beautify Goleta dates:

  • April 19, 2025: “Earth Day”
  • July 19, 2025: “Plastic Free July”
  • September 20, 2025: “Coastal Cleanup Day”

Together, let’s keep Goleta clean and beautiful!


FoodBank Sharehouse Grand Opening in Goleta

A new chapter begins for food security in Santa Barbara County and the City of Goleta gets a front row seat! On Saturday, March 1, the Santa Barbara County Foodbank held a ribbon cutting for its new South County Sharehouse (82 Coromar Dr), as part of “Sharehouse Community Day.”

The new 57,600-square-foot Sharehouse in Goleta is five times larger than the previous facility, providing the capacity to store over 1 million pounds of staple food commodities. This expansion allows for more efficient food distribution and dramatically reduces unloading times—from 1.5 hours to just 15 minutes. The enhanced storage capabilities also ensure that the Foodbank can better respond to emergencies, with increased reserves of food ready to be distributed in times of crisis.

Over 400 community members attended the festive event filled with engaging activities, food trucks, interactive family-friendly entertainment, educational booths, and giveaways. Attendees also enjoyed tours of the new facility, fresh smoothies from the blender bikes, face painting, bingo, and more. The highlight of the day was the ribbon cutting ceremony where Mayor Pro Tem Stuart Kasdin and District 2 Councilmember James Kyriaco joined a host of special guests including Senator Monique Limón, Congressman Salud Carbajal, Supervisor Laura Capps, California State Assemblymember Gregg Hart, Foodbank CEO Erik Talkin, and many others for the memorable occasion.

Food insecurity remains a critical issue in Santa Barbara County, where 1 in 3 residents relies on the Foodbank for assistance, and 38% of the individuals we serve are children. The county also has one of the highest poverty rates in California, and rising food costs have made access to nutritious meals even more challenging for vulnerable families. The new Sharehouse will help address these challenges by increasing food storage capacity, streamlining distribution, and enhancing disaster preparedness efforts.

The City of Goleta congratulates the Foodbank of Santa Barbara County on this historic milestone in the region’s fight against food insecurity. Every donation, volunteer hour, and partnership helps the Foodbank ensure no one in Santa Barbara County goes hungry. For more information, including tours of the Sharehouse and ways to get involved, please visit www.FoodbankSBC.org or contact the Foodbank at (805) 967-5741.

Ribbon cutting at the Sharehouse

Group in front of the Sharehouse banner

Councilmember James Kyriaco (District 2) speaking at the event


Congrats to the GVGSA 2024 All-Star Thunder Team

What a spectacular Opening Day for the Goleta Valley Girls Softball Association (GVGSA)! The 2025 season kicked off on Saturday, March 1 with a special visit from Councilmember Jennifer Smith (District 3) who was in attendance to present the All-Star 2024 Goleta Thunder 12U Softball team with Certificates of Recognition for placing second in the 2024 Western National Championship in Salem, OR!

The Thunder, representing GVGSA, finished with a 30-14 summer record, including three tournament victories and second place overall in a tournament with the top 32 teams in the Western United States. A big congratulations to the 2024 All-Star Thunder, a remarkable group of players!

Players on the team are: Evie Bechler, Olivia Carleton, Reagan Cram, Cecily Benes, Karina Huie, Arina Baltadano, Bailey Conway, Sophia Munoz, Cami Weiss, Kylie Buben, Lucy Hendrick and Jasmine Rollman. The team is coached by Eric Buben, Julie Weiss, Chris Huie, Devany Bechler and Dan Carleton.

We wish all the talented softball players and dedicated coaches who are a part of GVGSA a fantastic 2025 season! We also want to thank all the wonderful volunteers, parents, and supporters that work tirelessly behind the scenes to ensure that our Goleta youth have the best experience possible each year.

From the City of Goleta, we wish GVGSA another electric season filled with passion, teamwork, and the joy of softball. Let’s hit it out of the park!

Thunder team at the Western National Championship

Above: Thunder Team at Opening Day with their Certificates of Recognition; also pictured: team coaches and Councilmember Jennifer Smith (District 3)

Apply for Two Vacancies on City Commissions by March 18

New Opportunity for Public Tree Advisory Commission; Still time to apply for Parks and Recreation Commission

The City of Goleta is looking to fill a vacancy on both the Public Tree Advisory Commission and the Parks & Recreation Commission. If you have an affinity for trees and the outdoors and are interested in issues related to Urban Forestry or parks and recreation, we encourage you to apply. Applications can be submitted online here through Tuesday, March 18 at 5:00 p.m. This is a great way to give back and get more involved with your community.

The Public Tree Advisory Commission provides advice to staff and the City Council on matters related to the Goleta Urban Forest. Urban forests encompass the trees and shrubs in an urban area, including trees in yards, along streets and corridors, in watersheds, and more. Urban forests are important because they are the trees right outside our doors providing air, shade, and beauty. The Public Tree Advisory Commission also hears appeals and decisions on the planting and removal of public trees.

The Public Tree Advisory Commission holds four regular meetings per year and may hold additional meetings as needed. Members are compensated $75 per meeting. There is one vacancy, eligible applicants are not required to reside within City limits.

The Parks and Recreation Commission consists of seven members that advise the City Council on issues related to parks and recreational opportunities in Goleta. This includes public parks, open spaces, beaches, and indoor and outdoor recreational facilities and opportunities in Goleta.

The Commission holds six regular meetings per year and may hold additional meetings as needed. Members are compensated $75 per meeting. Eligible applicants must live in the City of Goleta.

Apply online by 5:00 p.m. on March 18 at www.CityofGoleta.org/BoardsCommissions. Thank you for considering this important role in your community. For additional information, please email cityclerkgroup@cityofgoleta.org.

34 Graduates Complete 2025 LEAD Goleta

Watch Highlight Reel of Community Academy

Congratulations to the 34 participants who graduated from the LEAD Goleta Bilingual Community Academy on February 20, 2025. This is the largest class to graduate in the program’s 5-year history and the third bilingual class with Spanish interpretation and translated materials. Former LEAD Goleta graduates, family and friends of the current class, City staff and the entire Goleta City Council gathered at the Goleta Community Center to applaud the group as each walked across the stage and received a Certificate of Completion and a City of Goleta pin. An ice cream social and sparkling apple cider toast followed the ceremony. Watch a video recap of the program here.

Mayor Perotte who had the honor of pinning each of the graduates said, “This is one of my favorite evenings. I really love coming here and seeing and thanking all of you. I hope you will take what you learned and tell your family and friends, but mostly, I hope you had a good time and know that we [Goleta City Council] are accessible. It’s really important to us that we hear from you.”

LEAD, which stands for Learn, Empower, Advocate and Discuss, is an award-winning bilingual six-week class that gives participants an up-close look at local government and in particular how the City of Goleta operates. This year, due to the rainstorm on February 13, 2025, the class ended up being five weeks long with a combined final class which took place prior to the graduation. The enthusiastic and attentive group from all walks of life received a lot of information during the course of the Academy but all expressed on the final day that they were glad they took the initiative and signed up for the eye-opening experience.

Terrie Bovaird said, “My sincere thanks to the organizers and presenters at the 2025 Goleta LEAD Academy. I truly appreciated the opportunity to learn through this valuable and educational program. I will use what I learned and the reference materials provided for many years to come.”

David Rachford said, “LEAD Goleta is a great program to introduce you to civic leadership in Goleta the Goodland. It was an opportunity to learn about City programs, issues and challenges, and celebrate the successes with the amazing team that makes things happen. I now feel more connected to our community, and I’ve lived here for 26 years.”

In addition to staff presentations from various departments, participants also toured the Goleta Valley Library, watched a Sheriff’s K-9 presentation, received a tutorial on how to pack a Go Bag in case of an emergency, and also participated in a Mock City Council Meeting. 

Community Relations Manager Kelly Hoover said, “We will never forget this dynamic class. They were hungry for information, asked great questions throughout and no matter the complexity of the subject matter, they were on the edge of their seats, engaged the entire time. It is impressive that each of them made sacrifices in their personal lives to attend this class week after week. It says a lot about each and every one of them as people. We hope they will stay connected with the City and each other as a result of this bonding experience. Hats off to my Community Relations colleagues Jaime Shaw and Marcos Martinez who went over and beyond to make this an exceptional learning experience for everyone involved.”

We also want to express our heartfelt appreciation to our Spanish interpreters Viviana Marsano, Hugo Santos, and Regina Santos.

If you are interested in signing up for a future LEAD Goleta class, please email jshaw@cityofgoleta.org to be notified when applications are available.

Photos from the LEAD Goleta Bilingual Community Academy

LEAD Goleta graduates with City Council

Mock City Council meeting participants with City Clerk staff

Goleta Police & K-9 (pictured left-to-right: K-9 Team Deputy James Carovano and Obi, Community Resource Deputy Connor Worden and Sgt. Noel Rivas)

Spanish Interpreters (pictured left-to-right: Hugo Santos, Viviana Marsano, and Regina Santos)

City Manager and Assistant City Manager Presenting

Pictured above: LEAD graduates with their certificates: Boris Grodzovsky (top left), Luz Murillo-Reyes (top right), Caroline Rind (bottom right) and Hansen Huang (bottom left) 

March is Women’s History Month

Please join the City of Goleta in recognizing Women’s History Month this March.

Women’s History Month is an annual observance that recognizes the vital role women have played in shaping our history and society. Originating from International Women’s Day in the early 20th century, it became a formal celebration in the United States in 1987, following a petition by the National Women’s History Project.

Women’s History Month is not just about celebrating the successes of the past but also acknowledging the struggles and challenges women have faced and continue to face today. From the fight for equal rights to ongoing battles for representation and equity, the journey has been long and often difficult.

To learn more about the rich social, political, and cultural impact of women in history, make sure you check out the Goleta Valley Library in-person Women’s History display and explore the library’s online catalog throughout the month of March.

Let’s embrace this month with enthusiasm and gratitude for the women who have shaped our history and continue to influence our present and future. Together, let’s make history by sharing our stories and inspiring each other every day!

CHP Officer Ayala Recognized for Heroic Efforts

California Highway Patrol Officer Ricardo Ayala is a hero in our books. The first responder was awarded a Certificate of Recognition from the City of Goleta at the February 18 City Council meeting for his bravery following a small plane crash on January 29.

While conducting a routine enforcement stop on the 101 near Los Carneros in Goleta, Officer Ayala heard an explosion followed by a small plane crashing near Glen Annie Road. He immediately rushed to the crash site, hopped a chain link freeway perimeter fence, sprinted towards the burning plane and pulled the injured pilot from the wreckage. As they pulled a few yards from safety, flames engulfed the plane.

Captain Michael Logie, Ayala’s commanding officer, said “I’m very proud of him, the moment and the acts that he did, without even thinking, just responding and reacting based on his training, who he is as a person, to go and save two people’s lives.”

After a standing ovation from the City Council and members of the public at the meeting, CHP Officer Ayala’s humble nature shone through, “Thank you all. I was just doing my job,” he said.

All of City Council had the opportunity to thank CHP Officer Ayala for his actions. “I bet you think you’re not a hero, but we know you are,” said Mayor Perotte. “You’re my hero. You’re our hero.”

Thank you, CHP Officer Ayala, for your selflessness and dedication. You are a shining example of what it means to serve and protect.

Officer Ayala with the Goleta City Council (pictured left-to-right): Mayor Pro Tempore Stuart Kasdin (District 4), Mayor Paula Perotte, Officer Ricardo Ayala, Councilmember James Kyriaco (District 2), Councilmember Jennifer Smith (District 3) and Councilmember Luz Reyes-Martín (District 1)

Captain Logie speaking about Officer Ayala

United Way Offers Free Tax Services for Qualifying County Residents

Fridays at the Goleta Community Center

United Way is celebrating the launch of the 13th annual Volunteer Income Tax Assistance (VITA) program, which provides free tax filing services to local qualifying residents throughout Santa Barbara County. Households making $67,000 or less can visit a participating location through April 15th to have their taxes prepared and filed for free.

The VITA program will operate at sites throughout the county (address and times below), including the Goleta Community Center, UC Santa Barbara, Santa Barbara Public Library’s Eastside Branch, and Santa Barbara City College. Program volunteers are IRS-certified tax preparers, and can help households prepare, and electronically file their tax returns. VITA volunteers can also assist with Individual Taxpayer Identification Number (ITIN) applications and renewals.

For questions about the VITA program, to learn more about becoming a volunteer, or to find other program details, please contact United Way at 805-965-8591 or visit www.unitedwaysb.org/VITA.

2025 Tax Preparation Sites:

Goleta Community Center
Fridays | 9am-12pm; 1-4pm
5679 Hollister Ave., Goleta, CA 93117

United Way of Santa Barbara County
Tuesdays & Wednesdays | 1-4pm (AARP)
Saturdays | 9am-1pm
320 East Gutierrez Street, Santa Barbara CA 93101

Santa Barbara Public Library – Eastside Branch
Tuesdays & Wednesdays | 4-7pm
1102 E Montecito St., Santa Barbara, CA 93101

SBCC Schott Center
Mondays & Wednesdays | 4-7pm
310 W Padre St., Santa Barbara, CA 93105 (Room 20)

UC Santa Barbara
Saturdays | 10am-3pm
UC Santa Barbara, Phelps Hall**, Room 1517
*No service Mar 22 & 29
**Feb 15 & Mar 15 Program Located in North Hall

Please visit www.unitedwaysb.org/VITA for up-to-date site information, required documentation and information to bring, and other program details.

Buellton Library Grand Opening

The Buellton Library has officially opened its doors at the historic Willemsen property (202 Dairyland Rd)! The Grand Opening held on Saturday, February 8th drew a lively crowd eager to explore the new space. Former Buellton Mayor and current President of the Friends of the Buellton Library, Holly Sierra, joined current Mayor David Silva and City Manager Scott Wolfe in the ribbon cutting ceremony.

On February 7th Mayor Paula Perotte and Councilmember James Kyriaco (District 2) attended the preview night hosted by the Friends of the Buellton Library and enjoyed exploring the beautiful new facility that will serve generations to come.

Neighborhood Services Director JoAnne Plummer and City Librarian Elizabeth Saucedo were also in attendance on Friday and at the historic event on Saturday, which was filled with activities for all ages. The City of Buellton Parks & Recreation team and the Santa Ynez Valley Children’s Museum provided an array of games and family-friendly activities for visitors of all ages that included bounce houses, lawn games, badminton, and even a giant dinosaur puzzle! The Friends of the Buellton Library held a successful book sale to build a community of members and to support the library’s future goals. Inside the library, children enjoyed a scavenger hunt, arts and crafts stations, and catching up with the friendly Buellton Library team, who issued over 50 new library cards.

Congratulations to the Buellton community on the successful launch of the gorgeous new library! We are excited to see all the wonderful and engaging programming to come.

The Solvang and Buellton Libraries are a part of the Goleta & Santa Ynez Valley Library System, which is managed by the City of Goleta. The City of Goleta first took over direct management of the Goleta Valley Library on July 1, 2018, and subsequently the Santa Ynez Valley libraries—including the Solvang and Buellton Libraries—on July 1, 2019.

Photos from the Grand Opening event:

Former Buellton Mayor Holly Sierra and current Mayor David Silva cut the ribbon to officially open the newly relocated and renovated Buellton Library

Pictured left-to-right: Ethan Bertrand, City of Buellton Mayor David Silva, City of Goleta Mayor Paula Perotte, and City of Buellton City Manager Scott Wolfe holding a Certificate of Recognition

Patrons exploring the new library location

Above: Community members gathered outside the library at the Grand Opening