Flavored Tobacco Ban Ordinance Approved

Starting in December of this year, the City of Goleta will no longer allow the sales of flavored tobacco products within City limits. After hearing several hours of public comment on both sides of the issue during the City Council meeting on September 21, 2021, the Goleta City Council voted 4 to 1 in favor of an ordinance that will ban the sale of flavored tobacco in each of its 32 licensed tobacco retail locations. A second reading was held at the October 5, 2021, City Council meeting and the ordinance was adopted. Goleta is the latest in a number of neighboring jurisdictions to take this action including the County of Santa Barbara and the cities of Carpinteria, Santa Maria and Guadalupe.

City of Goleta Mayor Paula Perotte said, “We have taken this action to protect the health and safety of our vulnerable youth. Testimony from countless parents, teachers and medical professionals convinced us that this action is both justified and necessary.”

Joining over 100 other cities and counties that have adopted a similar ban, the local ban is independent of SB 793, which is a state-wide ban that was passed by the California Legislature in August 2020 but must be voted on by the public to go into effect; it will be on the November 2022 ballot. In the meantime, local entities must pass their own bans if they want flavored tobacco to not be sold within their jurisdiction.

Photo: California Department of Public Health

Meet Your New City of Goleta Commissioners

The City is pleased to announce our new and reappointed Commissioners to #TeamGoleta including two local High School students! Vacancies were filled for the Public Engagement Commission, Parks and Recreation Commission, Library Advisory Commission, and Santa Barbara County Library Advisory Commission. Thank you to everyone who applied for a position and congratulations to those that were selected.

Our Commissioners bring a unique set of talents, interests, and experience to their positions. We appreciate their willingness to step up and take an active role in their community.

Public Engagement Commission

Kyle Yao was appointed as the Youth Commissioner for the Public Engagement Commission. He has always been interested in how our government functions and is excited to be a part of it and see how his ideas can impact the City. Kyle is a Junior attending Dos Pueblos High School, a Dos Pueblos Engineering Academy (DPEA) student, and member of the DPEA leadership team, as well as a player on the school golf team. He volunteers at Santa Barbara Cottage Hospital and is a Co-coach of a youth First Lego League robotics team. In February of 2020, Kyle graduated from the second LEAD academy, gaining valuable insights on the inner workings of our city. While not a native Goletian, Kyle has lived here for the past six years and enjoys the many natural resources Goleta offers. Prior to settling here, Kyle would often visit with his family to spend time at the Goleta Pier and go fishing, which to this day, has been a diehard passion of his.

Barbara Massey was reappointed to the Public Engagement Commission. She is looking forward to working on the boundaries for district elections and has worked on city-related issues since Goleta was incorporated to help retain it’s friendly, small-town quality. Barbara was previously on the Design Review Board, and an original member of both the Public Tree Advisory Commission and Public Engagement Commission. Through those various roles, she actively participated in the City’s General Plan, New Zoning Ordinance and Urban Forest Management Plan.

Beth Schneider, PHD was reappointed to the Public Engagement Commission. She was initially drawn to the Commission for its role in democratic participation and decision-making. Seeing PEC’s recommendations agreed with by the community and put into place has been rewarding. Beth recently retired from 39 years as a Professor of Sociology at UCSB at which she twice served as department chair and for seven years as Associate Dean of Social Sciences. Dr. Schneider brings to the commission more than three decades of extensive knowledge of, and service to, the campus and to the university system on issues of access, engagement, and equity that are crucial to the PEC goals. One such activity was her 13 years as Founding Director of the UCSB McNair Scholars Program at which she worked with low-income, first-generation, U.S. minorities to apply for advanced education with the goal of becoming the next generation of university faculty, leaders in industry, and experts in public policy. Her involvement over the last three decades in civic engagement with a wide cross-section of residents from Goleta and Santa Barbara includes as a board member and Co-Chair of the AIDS Counseling and Assistance Program, on the Parent Council of Open Alternative School, and on the Board of the Santa Barbara Women’s Political Committee, where her focus was on training and assessing candidates for local community boards, commissions, and political office.

Parks and Recreation Commission

Sarah Dent was appointed as the Student Commissioner on the Parks and Recreation Commission. She believes in the power of local government to improve the quality of life for its citizens and wants to focus on increased emphasis on sustainability in public park projects. A senior at Dos Pueblos High School, she is the Assistant Editor-in-Chief of the Image Yearbook and runs on the varsity Cross Country team. Sarah is also the president of the Santa Barbara Organization of Reform Temple Youth (SBORTY) and was the American Legion’s delegate to the 2021 Girls’ State Session. Previously, she has served as SBORTY’s Social Action Vice President, an intern at Fairview Gardens, and as the National Honor Society Secretary at Dos Pueblos. Sarah is passionate about sustainable food systems and dedicates her free time to caring for her vegetable garden and backyard hens. She hopes to set up a composting system at Dos Pueblos and plans to major in agriculture in college.

Library Advisory Commission

Dave Callanan was appointed to the Library Advisory Commission. He wants to ensure the community recognizes the incredible programs and selfless volunteers that define our libraries, making it a true community hub. Dave grew up a stone’s throw away from the Goleta Valley Library and spent untold hours roaming the stacks for great reads and academic resources. His passion for the printed word blossomed into a Literature degree from Claremont McKenna College and eventually a position as Senior Books Editor for Amazon.com. After returning to Santa Barbara in 2012, his frequent searches for thrillers, biographies, and historical non-fiction are now accompanied by his book-loving kids and patient wife. Dave said, “The Goleta Valley Library was a fundamental part of my childhood and I’m thrilled to join the Advisory Commission to help ensure our library system remains a community mainstay for generations to come.”  

Lori Lander Goodman was reappointed to the Library Advisory Commission. As a Commissioner, one of her priorities is making sure the library meets the diverse needs of the Goleta Valley residents, with engaging resources and programming, especially for children and families. Lori has more than twenty-five years’ experience strengthening nonprofits in communities across the United States, from Cincinnati to San Francisco and New York. Lori has worked to bring mission-driven fundraising and strategic planning to the forefront of the organizations she has served. Lori became the Executive Director of Isla Vista Youth Projects in January 2018, having previously served as the Chief Development Officer at CALM. She currently serves as the Chair of the Courage to Lead Alumni Community, Chair of the Goleta Library Commission, member of Executive Committee of Kids Network, and member of the Resilient Santa Barbara County Steering Committee. Lori earned her BA in Women’s Studies from UC Santa Cruz, her MSW at the University of Southern California, and a Master’s in Nonprofit Management from Hebrew Union College. In 2018, Lori became a Jeopardy! champion.

Santa Barbara County Library Advisory Commission

Jane Gray was appointed to the Santa Barbara County Library Advisory Commission as a representative of the City of Goleta, after previously serving on the City’s Library Advisory Commission. She is a proponent of greater literacy and access to reading, library amenities and community participation. She believes in the importance of having a safe place for children and others to spend time and enrich themselves. Jane is a 17-year resident of Santa Barbara County. She is a practicing Regional Planner and Project Manager with a Master’s Degree in Regional Planning and Management and a Bachelor’s Degree in Social Work. She has lived in both Europe and Africa, and her educational and professional experiences include refugee resettlement program development, teaching English as a Second Language, water and land use planning, and grant writing. In addition to previously serving on the City of Goleta’s Library Advisory Commission, she is also the Vice Chair of the Central Coast Regional Water Quality Control Board.

Thank you to everyone for helping to serve your community. Learn more here about the City’s various Boards and Commissions, or contact CityClerkGroup@cityofgoleta.org.

Provide Input on the City’s New Community Cleanup Volunteer Program

This year’s Coastal Cleanup Day was a huge success, with over 730 lbs of trash and recyclables collected in Goleta alone, and over 5,548 lbs of collected county-wide!  We had such a great time at this event, we want to keep this idea going. Please fill out a quick form to let us know if you want to participate in our new community cleanup volunteer program.

Trash and pollution reduction is one of the Environmental Services Division’s top goals. We have many programs aimed at this but can’t be everywhere at once, and we need your help. We want to keep community-based cleanups going, expand cleanups throughout the city, and keep our neighborhoods, open spaces, creeks, and beaches clean and safe year-round. We are looking for your ideas!

Get involved!

Are you interested in?

  • Keeping your neighborhood clean and safe?
  • Organizing monthly cleanups with friends and neighbors in your community?
  • Volunteering on a regular basis?
  • Obtaining extra environmental services in your neighborhood or area?
  • Sharing recent news about City programs, events, and more with your neighbors and friends?
  • Providing feedback to the City?
  • Getting to know your neighbors better?
  • Being a leader in your community?

We are seeking volunteers to pitch in on community cleanups and are also seeking neighborhood and area captains for our neighborhoods and open spaces! We would like to form neighborhood/open spaces teams all throughout the city. Both organizations and individuals are welcome! We want your input and ideas to help form this to meet your needs. Let us know you are interested by filling out our short form located here.

Goleta Goes BIG for Coastal Cleanup Day!

More than 500 pounds of Trash and Recyclables Collected from Haskell’s Beach Alone

This year’s Coastal Cleanup Day on September 18, 2021, was a huge success thanks to YOU!  We were so impressed with the turnout at cleanup sites throughout Goleta. Just at the Haskell’s site alone, we had more than 75 volunteers and collected more than 500 pounds of trash and recyclables. Trash items included cigarette butts, bottles, cans, abandoned construction equipment, and more.

The turnout County-Wide was astounding as well! More than 1,287 volunteers showed up for Coastal Cleanup at 28 sites throughout the County. These dedicated community members picked up more than 5,211 pounds of trash and more than 892 pounds of recyclables for a total of 6,104 pounds or 3.05 tons of waste. Incredible! Altogether, they covered 42 estimated miles at sites ranging from Rincon Beach Park to Guadalupe Dunes.

City of Goleta Team Captains at Haskell’s Beach were so appreciative of all the volunteers that showed up including several familiar faces. Goleta’s Environment Services Coordinator Melissa Nelson said, “It’s a testament to how much our community cares about keeping our beaches and outdoor spaces clean. Some liked this event so much, they want to keep community cleanups going year-round, and I can’t wait to get their ideas!”

State-wide there were more than 21,000 volunteers. These volunteers picked up 153,281 pounds of trash and an additional 9,256 pounds of recyclable materials, for a total of 162,538 pounds or more than 81 tons.

Volunteers who participated in the Cleanup can visit the Coastal Commission website to fill out the Coastal Cleanup Day Volunteer Survey and be entered in a drawing for prizes.

Statewide, Coastal Cleanup Day is presented by the California Coastal Commission. In Santa Barbara County, the event is organized by Explore Ecology and the County of Santa Barbara Resource Recovery and Waste Management, with support from Project Clean Water, the Cities of Santa BarbaraGoleta, and Solvang, and the help of many non-profits, businesses, and generous individuals. 

Local high school students Monica and Joy participate in Coastal Cleanup day at Haskell’s Beach

Beach Captain and City of Goleta Parks and Open Space Manager, George Thomson

City of Goleta Beach Captains and Councilmember Stuart Kasdin with the trash picked up during Coastal Cleanup Day

Beach Captain George Thomson and Councilmember Kyle Richards

Mayor Pro Tempore James Kyriaco with Beach Captain Ryan Kintz

Goleta City Council Supports Reproductive Freedom

The Goleta City Council is showing its support for reproductive freedom. At the Tuesday, September 21, 2021, Goleta City Council meeting, the Council adopted “A Resolution Affirming Support of Reproductive Freedom.” View the resolution and staff report here.

City of Goleta Mayor Paula Perotte said, “The City’s adoption of this resolution further affirms the City’s commitment to protecting the rights of all women, including the rights related to family planning.”

Mayor Pro Tempore James Kyriaco added, “As the U.S. Supreme Court prepares to hear oral arguments on a case that threatens to overturn decades-old abortion protections, it’s important that local communities like Goleta speak up. We support reproductive freedom and justice, and believe that pregnant people – not government should make personal medical decisions for themselves and their families.”

The City has a proud record of proclaiming its commitment to inclusivity, diversity, and equity. The City Council has expressed a commitment to making Goleta a welcoming, inclusive, and safe community for everyone, promoting free thought and speech, while condemning racism and police brutality, hate speech, bigotry, violence and prejudice against all.

LED Lights Installation Project Approaches Finish Line

The City’s six week city-wide LED streetlight installation is nearly complete! Approximately 1,300 LED streetlights out of the total of 1,430 have been installed. As part of the City’s LED Street Lighting Project, LED lights have been installed throughout most residential neighborhoods, and the contractor is now working on installing lights in high traffic areas. The City anticipates this project will be finished by mid-October.

City of Goleta Public Works Department Project Manager, Michael Winnewisser, said, “The long-awaited LED Street Lighting Project is ahead of schedule, and we hope that the residents are pleased with the outcome. Installing LED lights is one more way the City is focused on sustainability and we thank everyone for their patience as this project wraps up in the next couple of weeks.”

The City is replacing 1,430 streetlight fixtures throughout Goleta with new energy efficient LED streetlights. The project is expected to save Goleta more than 345,000 kilowatt hours and approximately $115,000 annually after the project is implemented. In addition to saving the City money, the new lights will require less maintenance and provide clearer lighting.

You can learn more about the project at www.CityofGoleta.org/LEDStreetlights where you can also find a map of the project replacement locations. If you have any questions or comments, please contact Project Manager Michael Winnewisser at (805) 690-5120 or mwinnewisser@cityofgoleta.org.

For more information on this project, watch our video featuring Public Works staff. The video is available in English and Spanish.


The LED Street Lighting Project took root in 2017. After long negotiations with Southern California Edison, in 2020 the City acquired the streetlights and began looking into different LED options for our community. In January 2021, the City conducted a pilot study to get community input. Based on feedback from the pilot study, Green Committee, and Virtual Town Hall, the City selected GE fixtures that are 2700K color temperature streetlights. On July 20, 2021, Goleta City Council approved the replacements and the fixtures were ordered the next day. 

Pictured below: New LED lights being installed throughout Goleta

City of Goleta Begins Partnership with CityNet to Help Find Housing for Homeless

The City of Goleta is pleased to have officially begun our partnership with CityNet this week to achieve our collective goal of finding housing for at least 50 homeless individuals in Goleta by summer 2022. On August 17, 2021, the Goleta City Council approved a $530,565 contract for homelessness services to CityNet, a non-profit organization, to provide outreach, bridge housing, and housing navigation.

Additionally, as fire season progresses, many Goleta residents have expressed concerns that people camping illegally alongside the Union Pacific Railroad tracks and Highway 101 pose a severe fire threat to the encampment residents and the community. This threat was documented by the County Fire Marshall in December of 2020, and the City of Goleta has been working with the County of Santa Barbara, CalTrans, Union Pacific Railroad, and the Sheriff’s Office to try to relocate those living in encampments. These efforts have already been partially successful as approximately 10 people have relocated from their encampments to either permanent housing or to Hedges House of Hope, the new shelter for homeless individuals in Isla Vista recently purchased by the County of Santa Barbara.

However, there are many more homeless people living on the streets and in encampments in the Goleta area who need help connecting with services and housing. CityNet’s efforts in conducting outreach to the homeless, connecting them to area service providers, providing both immediate shelter and bridge housing, and case management to help ensure ongoing success has already proven to be effective. The group has been working with the City of Santa Barbara and the County of Santa Barbara on similar efforts with great success.

City of Goleta Mayor Paula Perotte said, “By providing temporary, safe shelter, this initiative will provide increased safety for the homeless. And by reducing urban encampments we will be reducing the risk of fires for the entire community.”

The new effort by CityNet will implement significant portions of the City of Goleta’s Homelessness Strategic Plan adopted by the City Council on April 20, 2021. CityNet’s provision of services will run through June 30, 2022, and includes the following activities:

  • Outreach and Engagement – Two CityNet staff will contact homeless people living in encampments or other areas not fit for human habitation three times per week. People will be assessed, provided food, water, and sanitation products, and invited to participate in the homelessness Coordinated Entry System.
  • Housing Navigation – CityNet staff will offer homeless people immediate shelter in either a local motel room, Hedges House of Hope, or one of the two Goleta beds at the PATH homeless shelter in Santa Barbara. At the same time, efforts will be made to secure permanent affordable housing through rental assistance or permanent supportive housing options.
  • Case Management – Each homeless person will be enrolled in a collaborative case management process that will track and guide people into transitional and/or permanent housing with ongoing supportive services like crisis management, motivational interviewing for lifestyle changes, access to physical and behavioral healthcare providers, financial assistance, and food assistance.

“We are bringing the best evidence-based practices for ending homelessness to the City of Goleta,” said Interim Director of Neighborhood Services, Jaime Valdez, “The use of five motel rooms on a continual basis means that homeless individuals will have an incentive to get off the streets and begin their journey into permanent housing.”

Pictured: Homeless encampment in Goleta

City Updates Community on Fire Station 10 Tree Replacement Plan

City staff is reviewing comments and concerns from more than a dozen community members attending a public meeting at the Santa Barbara Shores Open Space on September 25, 2021. The meeting focused on a review of a tree enhancement effort planned for that park, related to the Fire Station 10 (FS10) project at 7952 Hollister Avenue. The Neighborhood Services Department is in the design phase for the FS10 project, which was approved by City Council in December 2018 and the Coastal Commission in September 2020. The Coastal Commission required a tree replacement plan to provide new native trees in the coastal zone to offset those that will be removed for the fire station construction.   

The City began the informal meeting with a five-minute presentation on the purpose of the meeting and shared a 2’ by 3’ printout of the Tree Planting Replacement Plan. The Santa Barbara Shores open space was identified by staff as an excellent opportunity to increase native tree planting and thereby enhance the creek and riparian environment in this area.  No existing trees in this open space would need to be removed to accommodate the 41 new trees.  

After the presentation, City staff and Santa Barbara County Fire personnel engaged in a lengthy question and answer session noting and addressing concerns from the public. Topics such as fire safety, sightlines from the street to the park equipment area, number of trees and alternative locations were posed by the public. Staff will be reviewing the comments/suggestions/concerns provided at the meeting and work with our consultants to address them where possible while still meeting the requirements from the Coastal Commission.  

For more information on Fire Station 10, please go to https://cityofgoleta.org/FireStation10. View the tree planting replacement plan here.

Pictured: September 25, 2021, meeting

Making Progress on Needed Road Repairs

The Goleta City Council approved the construction contract for the 2020-2021 Pavement Rehabilitation Project and authorized an additional $3,900,000 from the General Fund for additional roadway paving work throughout the City at their September 21, 2021, meeting.

Goleta Deputy Public Works Director James Campero said, “Public Works staff bid the paving project with bid alternates to provide the City flexibility to award additional roadways if we received good bids. Fortunately, we received very advantageous bids and we are very thankful to have a City Council and community that supports taking advantage of such great bids. We will be constructing nearly $6 million worth of paving work, which is a major step in the right direction to repairing our City’s roadway system.”

The added work includes the much-needed pavement rehabilitation on Cathedral Oaks Road from Glen Annie Road to Los Carneros Road. Paving work is anticipated to start in one-two months.

Although this will be a big benefit to the City’s roadway network and a major step in the right direction, this is a one-time funding allocation. City staff will continue to explore all options to identify potential funding sources for the additional $3.3 million needed annually to appropriately maintain the City’s entire roadway system. The City is also working on evaluating the Capital Improvement Program (CIP) and identifying how to reprioritize and/or fund the approximately $110 million worth of unfunded CIP Projects.

Watch a recording of the meeting here and read the staff report here.

Pictured: Cathedral Oaks Road

Attention Businesses: Apply for a Goleta ReStart Loan from WEV

Goleta ReStart Loans are still available to help businesses within Goleta city limits reopen and adapt to operating under proper public health guidelines due to COVID-19. The City of Goleta collaborated with Women’s Economic Ventures (WEV) to provide a program specifically for Goleta-based small businesses. 

The loan program provides loans up to $25,000 with a 4.50% fixed interest rate with up to a 60 month repayment term with interest only payments for the first six payment cycle in order to provide for more time to re-establish cash flow and capacity to rebuild/reopen the business. The City of Goleta contributed $200,000 in order to support the small business loan program for Goleta small businesses. This is a critical step in the City’s economic relief and recovery efforts.

City of Goleta Mayor Paula Perotte said, “The WEV ReStart Loan program will provide immediate funding on favorable terms and WEV’s highly-regarded financial expertise to our small businesses.”

“Business owners consistently say community support is a key factor in sustaining their resolve through the pandemic,” shared WEV CEO Kathy Odell. “Our ReStart Loans will provide the capital necessary to retain employees, modify business practices and acquire new equipment and/or supplies required for safe re-opening. Additionally, ReStart Loan recipients are eligible to receive business advisory services from WEV.”

Learn more and apply today at www.wevonline.org/loans-2/restart.